Inside Ageing announces new service for advertising jobs, events, properties and more…

Inside Ageing has launched a new offering for advertising various properties products and services. The new classified service allows businesses to promote everything from jobs, events, online resources, properties, products, and services to Inside Ageing’s large audience specific to aged care services.

With a range of features built into the service, businesses can now create listings that include video, Google location, multiple images, and links to their respective social media and website. Listings can be booked for a minimum of one month or longer depending on the business’s offering.

An example of a listing can be found here

Inside Ageing’s new advertising service is an excellent opportunity for businesses to reach out to its audience of business professionals who are key decision-makers within aged care facilities and providers. The platform’s vast reach and targeted audience make it an ideal place to advertise relevant products and services in a business environment.

To list on Inside Ageing’s new classified advertising service email:


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