Helen Kemp appointed GM of community health and care at Benetas

Helen Kemp

Benetas has appointment Helen Kemp to a key executive role, where she will be responsible for homecare, primary care, respite, in-home-nursing and NDIS services.

Helen has held senior roles in both the public and private health sector organisations, and most recently was the CEO of a successful aged care and disability start-up who Benetas worked closely with.

Sandra Hills, CEO, Benetas

CEO Sandra Hills OAM said of Helen’s appointment, “It’s wonderful to have Helen join our executive team as we drive forward to bring about Benetas’ ambitious Next Generation Strategy.

“Helen joined us in an interim capacity and following a competitive recruitment process we are very confident she will add tremendous value to our already capable executive leadership team and the broader organisation.”

“Within a matter of weeks, Helen has connected across our evolving Community Health and Care division and worked closely with the team to ensure it is delivering services as comprehensively and effectively as possible.”

Helen said, “I am delighted to take up this role with Benetas and support our Community Health and Care division to provide our clients across Victoria with the supports that they need and deserve.

“Australia’s aged care sector is facing significant challenges across all services. This gives us the invaluable opportunity to really step up and provide next level care to our clients and their families.

“Over the past few weeks I’ve been able to work with the team to do just that. When it comes to home and community care, there is a great deal more for us to achieve and I look forward to working closely with the team to create a great service.”

Helen said that Benetas provides a valuable opportunity to have a positive impact in aged care and drive forward continuous improvements to the services and experiences that our clients have.

“I value what Benetas aspires to in terms of their customer focus and care. I am looking forward to the opportunity to help the existing team take their vision for this forward and maximise the community impact that they have.”

As a trained nurse, Helen brings firsthand experience to the role. Helen holds an MBA from the Melbourne Business School, and a Bachelor of Arts from Queensland University.


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