Opinion: Age tech, not flying saucers, is transforming aged care

Reuben Jacob, Chief Executive Officer, Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) Pic by JKTP / www.jktp.com.au

In this guest post, Reuben Jacob, CEO of the Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA), argues that age tech enhances aged care, empowering older Australians with independence and social connections. Adoption lags despite proven benefits and growing support.

Fear of new technology is still common in the 21st century. Some might imagine when we talk about robotics, AI and aged care in the same sentence, it means we must be heading towards a dystopian future where human connections are diminished. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Integrating assistive technologies is a simple way to help improve the quality of life and independence for older Australians – the key is making sure we design and incorporate devices collaboratively.

Evidence-based research has already shown how technology can provide the much-needed level of empowerment that older people crave. Rather than reducing human contact, age-tech builds opportunities to increase the amount of personalised care a person experiences, regardless of where they are living.

Older Australians support greater tech use

This is no longer about future-based scenarios. Age-tech solutions are already commercially available. They are found in iPhone health apps, assistive devices that prevent falls, in data programs that ensure better management and scheduling of the workforce, in virtual training programs that help workers upskill, in smart tech that can monitor conditions and the home environment, as well as in customised communication apps that encourage better social connections.

So why do we hesitate to incorporate these solutions? A new survey led by UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures found older Australians support greater use of technology if it can assist them to have a greater level of independence and a chance to live at home for longer. Any concerns raised were centered around privacy issues and costs. These are issues that can be easily addressed with greater stakeholder consultation in the planning and implementation process.

Older Australians are also already big users of technology. The Benetas Digital Inclusion & Cyber Safety Among Australian Seniors Research Study (2022) found older Australians are relatively tech-savvy, with 8 in 10 rating technology as very important in helping them keep in touch with family. A further 55 per cent said they would like to improve their knowledge of technology further.

So why are their needs not met? A 2022 report from RMIT-Cisco Health Transformation noted many aged care providers still don’t offer wireless connections and only 42 per cent of providers have any kind of digital strategy. With a generation of baby boomers retiring (who know a thing or two about internet banking and iPhones), we might have to address preconceived ideas about older people and how they want to live.

Age-tech can solve problems

Australia now faces a crisis. We have a rapidly ageing population and stretched resources. This isn’t a problem that can be kicked down the road.

Since 2021, ARIIA has been working with the aged care sector on innovation projects that encourage more experimentation, more research partnerships and trials, and collaboration on digital solutions to solve common problems.

Rather than isolating people, we have found better use of technologies can improve levels of care. Higher uptake of age-tech like robotic assistance for laundry deliveries and lifting work allows more personal interaction with carers as time is freed up. Using ‘Hey Siri’ and smart home monitoring systems encourages capacity-building and helps people to remain independent for longer in their own homes, despite cognitive declines.

Other countries around the world are also looking at these new approaches with the global age- tech market now estimated to be worth as much as $2.7 trillion.

Many Australian aged care providers have started the journey to explore specific age-tech offerings, either as research partners or by incorporating commercially available solutions into their daily operations. However, overall, the sector still lags far behind other industries in adopting new technologies, despite the benefits this could bring.

Aussie innovation – examples leading the way

The federal government is certainly committed to driving these kinds of reforms with a five-year digital strategy now underway. This makes sense considering technology offers the ultimate way to help organisations run more efficiently, manage staffing and evaluate outcomes while improving the care experiences of older people.

Many Australian companies are also leading the way in developing solutions with the help of ARIIA’s grant programs.

For example, social isolation is one of the biggest issues we face. A recent survey by COTA NSW found six in 10 older people reported feeling lonely. The Dossy solution was developed as a highly accessible, tailored video platform that assists older people in making video calls to family (or trained online volunteers) through a simple, one-touch video platform –regardless of cognitive abilities. No more sitting in at home all day without conversation.

Brenna is another useful tool. The app is used by aged care providers and addresses the problem of getting timely updates about the health of loved ones in residential living environments. The messaging program allows RNs and families to keep communication lines open and provides updates on health conditions as needed.

Technology is also playing a big role in furthering workforce capability. Dementia Australia has made inroads into training aged care workers to better understand the needs of people living with dementia and cognitive decline. Using AI technology, the organisation has developed online modules using avatars (‘Talk with Ted’) and Virtual Reality programs to give aged care workers simulated experience in best practice communication skills for a range of situations.

Watch this space

With one in six people in the world estimated to be over 60 by 2030, we need to embrace change urgently. Technological solutions will offer people opportunities for capability building, more choice, better health outcomes, and ongoing social interactions. I urge anyone working in the industry to keep an eye out for new developments in this area and to sign up to ARIIA’s webinars and newsletters that showcase best practice examples.

Aged Care Collaborative Accelerator

Grants are now available to help providers and researchers scale up ideas quickly especially when it comes to workforce innovations. Further information can be found here.

We may not have robot housekeepers or hologram GPs in the next ten years, but we can deliver improvements now. Technology isn’t the problem: failing to explore the solutions it can offer is the real issue. Let’s make 2025 the turnaround year.


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