Silverchain’s EMBED: Innovative model of care to tackle depression in home aged care

Australian in-home health and aged care provider, Silverchain, is set to trial a new model of care called Enhanced Management of Home-Based Elders with Depression (EMBED) in Victoria.

Aimed at reducing symptoms of depression in older Australians receiving home-aged care, EMBED focuses on early detection and evidence-based treatment.

Led by Silverchain’s Director of Research Discovery, Professor Tanya Davison, the pilot will utilise telehealth for delivering psychological treatments, accompanied by the option for clients to access emotional well-being support through a co-designed tablet developed with Swinburne University of Technology.

The initiative, funded by Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA), addresses rising depression rates among home care recipients, a gap in staff training, and limited access to mental health services for older Australians.

“We have worked closely with our home care clients and our academic partners to develop an approach that provides older people with support and resources to address symptoms of depression.”

Professor Tanya Davison, Silverchain’s Director of Research Discovery

The pilot, commencing in Melbourne in January 2024 with existing Silverchain clients, aims to enhance the well-being of home care recipients, in collaboration between industry, academia, clients, and caregivers. If successful, the EMBED model and supporting technology will be extended to other states, contributing to improved depression detection and treatment in home-aged care settings.


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