Your price is right, or is it? Pricing strategies for the new $750,000 RAD threshold – Webinar workshop, Dec 5

Inside Ageing, in partnership with Pride Aged Living, continues its webinar workshop series with a session designed to help providers navigate and prepare for upcoming changes under the new Aged Care Act.

The proposed increase in the Residential Accommodation Deposit (RAD) cap, which will raise the maximum RAD providers can charge without approval from $550,000 to $750,000, brings both opportunities and challenges. While increasing RADs above $550,000 is simple, determining the right price for your accommodation remains complex.

Overpricing results in discounts and can have negative reputational impacts, while underpricing undermines your financial sustainability.

In this webinar, we’ll explore the key issues to consider when setting your accommodation price, and the key decision priorities of consumers when choosing a facility. With this background, you will be confident that your new prices don’t leave accommodation revenue on the table which could have increased your financial sustainability. Join the conversation and book your place today…


Topics to be covered will include:

  • The three key factors to consider when setting your accommodation price
  • The importance of a structured accommodation policy
  • The real impact of the 2% retention and
  • How to optimise accommodation revenue

We will use real case studies of what works well, so you can be confident that what we say works in practice.

Join us to gain actionable insights on setting your accommodation price (RAD) so you can be confident that Your Price is right!

All attendees will receive a 2% RAD retention revenue impact model, which will allow you to estimate the impact of this change over the next four years.

Pricing is per organisation for unlimited attendees...

Pricing: $180 plus GST

PURCHASE THE VIDEO RECORDING AND SLIDE DECK HERE: Pricing strategies for the new $750,000 RAD threshold

The session will be conducted live with time for questions at the end. A video recording and slide deck will be provided for ongoing reference.

If you would prefer an invoice or have other questions:


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