From retail to aged care: Ahmed Loze’s journey

Mr Ahmed Loze

Mr Ahmed Loze, a former retail worker from Moruya on the South Coast of New South Wales, found inspiration in his grandmother’s struggle with Alzheimer’s Disease, prompting him to pursue a career as an aged care nurse. Presently working at Banksia Lodge aged care home in Broulee (near Batemans Bay), Ahmed is on track to help fill the pressing shortage of registered nurses in the aged care sector, with just a year left in his enrollment program.

Despite initial academic challenges, Ahmed’s strong interpersonal skills and deep empathy for others have driven his success in the field. His move into aged care comes at a critical time with an estimated shortage of approximately 11,000 nurses in aged care right now!

Ahmed is committed to his studies at Charles Sturt University, including placements in various New South Wales hospitals.

“I remember, before nursing, my grandmother’s condition changed quite dramatically, and it was just very overwhelming, and I didn’t know what to do. Banksia (Lodge) encouraged me to give it a crack, to have a go. That I could bring more to the table, and it was very hard because I am not academically inclined at all, but I can make a connection with people which is what I really enjoy about the work.”

Ahmed Loze

Ahmed Loze was recently nominated for ACCPA’s You Are ACE! recognition campaign by residents at Banksia Lodge.


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