Mission Australia’s Charles Chambers Court celebrates 25 years of providing home and hope for the homeless

Mission Australia commemorated a significant milestone as they celebrated the 25th anniversary of Charles Chambers Court, an aged care facility dedicated to addressing homelessness in Surry Hills, inner Sydney.

The facility, named after Mission Australia’s inaugural chairperson, Charles Chambers, has been instrumental in providing high-quality care and a sense of home for vulnerable individuals. Offering a range of services, including therapy dog visits and community outings organized by dedicated volunteers, Charles Chambers Court has become a beacon of hope for those in need.

Originally constructed in 1998 within the premises of a heritage-listed church, Charles Chambers Court has provided a true home for 339 residents over the past quarter century. Many of these individuals had experienced years of homelessness and instability before finding solace within the facility’s walls.

Kerry, one of the residents, expressed her gratitude for the anniversary celebrations, emphasising the tranquillity and security she had found at Charles Chambers Court. Kerry noted the welcoming atmosphere and the relief she experienced upon arriving, describing her first restful sleep in recent memory.

Kerry also highlighted the various activities available to residents, such as song, dance, movies, and morning teas, which foster a vibrant and inclusive community. The facility’s commitment to promoting social interaction and community participation has had a transformative impact on the lives of its residents, many of whom were previously isolated and lacking essential support.

Steve Brooker, Mission Australia’s General Manager of Aged Care, lauded Charles Chambers Court’s legacy of providing safety, security, and dignity to its residents. He emphasized the vital role the facility plays in addressing the growing need for affordable and suitable aged care accommodation for individuals who have experienced homelessness or lacked the means and support to access mainstream aged care facilities. Brooker stressed that with one in six homeless individuals aged is over 55 years, totalling nearly 20,000 people, the demand for such facilities has only intensified over the past 25 years.

As the housing and homelessness crisis continues to escalate, Brooker called for action to prevent older people from being pushed into homelessness. He emphasized the importance of facilities like Charles Chambers Court in mitigating the effects of homelessness on vulnerable individuals. In the face of these challenges, Mission Australia remains steadfast in its commitment to providing safe and inclusive spaces for those in need and continuing its mission to address homelessness and enhance the well-being of the aging population.

The 25th anniversary of Charles Chambers Court stands as a testament to the tireless efforts of Mission Australia and the unwavering dedication of its staff, volunteers, and supporters.


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