Community Industry Group awarded $300K to enhance hospital-to-aged-care transition

The Community Industry Group (CI Group) has been awarded a grant of $300,000 by the New South Wales Government to spearhead a pioneering project aimed at enhancing the transition process for older individuals from hospitals to aged care facilities (RACFs).

Acknowledging the persistent challenges posed by the shortage of local beds in residential aged care facilities, particularly within the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, the government has allocated funds to explore innovative strategies to expedite this crucial transition phase.

“Initiatives like these are crucial in streamlining the discharge process for older individuals, ultimately improving patient outcomes and relieving pressure on hospital resources.”

Minister for Health, Ryan Park

Under the leadership of CEO Nicky Sloan, the CI Group will lead the charge in implementing a volunteer coordinator program aimed at facilitating smoother transitions for older individuals into RACFs. Additionally, the project will fund research endeavours aimed at comprehensively understanding and addressing the needs of long-stay elderly patients in hospitals.

“This funding will enable us to collaborate with key stakeholders, including aged care providers, local health authorities, and government departments, to address the critical issue at hand,” said Ms Sloan.

The project will unfold in three distinct phases:

Research Phase: Led by aged care professionals, Professor Kathy Eagar and Paul Sadler, this phase will delve into the underlying factors contributing to discharge delays of older patients into RACFs. It will also assess the capacity of aged care services to meet the evolving needs of this demographic.

Transition Volunteers: A team of dedicated discharge support volunteers, known as the Supported Transition Assistance Response Scheme (STARS), will be mobilised to streamline the transfer process for older individuals from hospitals to aged care facilities or their own homes.

Taskforce Formation: A multi-agency regional health and aged care taskforce will be established to oversee the project’s implementation and develop a comprehensive regional plan addressing the evolving needs of the ageing population.


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